You turn around and two weeks pass by...
So here's what has been happening. The house is being painted and should be done this weekend. Dylan has been really digging the whole thing. The folks doing the painting have been great with him. He wanted to help so they gave him a brush. I believe they also gave him a short turn on the sprayer. 5-year-old boy heaven. The house definitely now stands out from the rest of the houses in the neighborhood. Much darker than the different shades of beige to be found nearby. We picked a color called "Virtual Taupe" and the main house color and "Van Dyke Brown" for the trim. It's going to take some getting used to but I think I'm going to like it.

My mother-in-law flew in from Vermont for 10 days to help us with the boys while the daycare lady was on a vacation with her family. That's a good mother-in-law. She must have felt like she was being punished on the way back to Vermont though. She had an 11:20 PM flight back. Since any trouble would necessitate long stays in airport terminals, you KNOW some came to find her. First, the emergency chute on her plane decided it would throw out a malfunction alarm before they even left the departure gate. Of course, the area the repair folks needed to access was right on her row, so she and three other people were offloaded while the two hours worth of repairs took place. I suppose two hours off in the terminal beats two hours sitting inside the plane, but it stinks no matter how you cut it.
Amazingly, leaving Seattle two hours late meant that she missed her connection out of Chicago. So she got booked on to a later flight which, you guessed it, got cancelled. So now she's on stand-by and waiting patiently with six or so other people when it turns out that the new flight's departure gate got moved to a completely different terminal and no one from the airline (Thanks United!! Great customer service) bothered to inform them until the plane was about to board. So they rush to the new gate and get there just after the door to the breezeway was closed. And they weren't going to open it back up until Crazed Mother with Three Children threw an absolute melt-down hissy fit. So they get on the plane and the MIL gets home about 14 hours later than scheduled.
Thanks for coming out, Mary! I know you're dying to return!
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