
Thursday, June 30, 2005

My Soap Box

It's a flag. The great thing about flags is that if one gets burned, you can likely find several to take its place at the local grocery store. It's a symbol and burning it is an expression of speech. If the flag were so sacred, you wouldn't be able to readily find flag beachballs, magnetic flags, flag bikinis, etc. The only reason it is even an issue is that there are a few folks in our government willing to pander to the basest notions of 'patriotism'.

Random Thought

Some movies I really enjoy:

Endless Summer & Endless Summer 2
Apocalypse Now
The Incredibles
Band of Brothers
The Longest Day
The Lord of the Ring series
Star Wars, Epsiode 4
Raising Arizona
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Dazed and Confused
Fast Times at Ridgemont High

That's what comes to me now.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

*tap tap* Is this thing on?

Summers tend to be a little slow here on the job, so I thought I might try my hand at blogging. This first post promises to be brief. Just a brief how do you do. You'll probably be hearing a lot about my sons. Dylan is 5 and Andrew is 5 months.

Dylan has a bunch of things he likes to do. Chief amongst them are swimming and mowing the lawn. He's 5, so the favorite things next week might be digging in the garden and torturing one of the cats. Actually, lawn mowing is not likely to be replaced anytime soon. (knock wood) He has been fascinated by it since he's been able to walk. He started out with a plastic red wagon that he turned around and pushed. It was his "deebee". Not really sure the etymology of that one, but there you have it. From there he graduated to the bubble mower which lost its charm for him when it dawned on him that the grass wasn't getting any shorter when he used it. "Yeah, this is cool and all but I want results!" Today, the boy pushes an actual mower. Insists on it actually. He gets quite upset if lawn mowing is done without his assistance. My wife and I aren't total barbarians, so we got him some ear protection. He's happy as a clam. The little bugger does a fairly decent job of it, too. He might get some interesting patterns in the lawn, but if he starts one he keeps at it for each pass. He's a great kid. He likes helping and he LOVES helping by mowing.

Drew's hobbies consist of smiling, creating hygiene challenges and melting the hearts of all the ladies.I'll post pics soon.

Ok, that's all for now.

This is what you get with a camera phone. Good stuff.
